Is it too late for me to change careers? 3 guiding questions to get out of your own way
Aug 16, 2022
Dear one,
There’s a recurring question that I’ve heard from many of my clients and members of this community - “is it too late for me?”
When I’m asked this, I feel a deep desire to take on the posture of an old-time film star and hold you by the shoulders, dramatically scolding you (with love), “IT’S NEVER TOO LATE AND YOU DESERVE BETTER!”
*Couldn't find a relevant gif so here's Moira from Schitt's Creek instead.
But then, I meet with clients over Zoom so dramatic physical touch is both inappropriate and impossible and also, I can tell you what you deserve, but you have to decide for yourself that you deserve better…that your life is worthy of more than what you’ve given yourself permission to dream of.
Alas! My loving scolding can only do so much to temporarily affirm you. But when you feel really down on yourself, worthless, or like it’s just too late to change your direction, I can only offer these guiding reflections to support your next move.
How to both get out of your own way and into your own corner:
Julia’s top 3 guiding questions to get out of your own way
and maximize joy in your career
1. How would someone who loves you deeply and sees your value tell your career story so far? How would they explain the gaps, pivots, or bits you feel uncomfortable with in a loving way?
2. What are your secret dreams for your career that feel so incredibly sweet and incredible, you’ve kept them quiet…until now? Or put another way, what are your professional dreams for yourself that you feel shame about or try to ignore?
3. What are the risks of not pursuing this dream?
And bonus question…
What are 5 ways the world will be better if you DO pursue those dreams for yourself?
*You might think about how positive it will be for your family, friends, and community, for your ability to show up for others as your full self, the legacy you leave behind, or the ripple effects you create that enable others to follow their own dreams.
May these questions help you to move towards your biggest vision of your most joyful career.
And when you’re ready to start sharing that vision with other people, growing and nurturing your networks, I hope you’ll join me on September 6th for my interactive training on Joyful Networking with Ease where we’ll provide live group coaching for each participant to support building relationships to propel your new career path forward so you can live your dreams.
Sign up here:
Joyful Networking with Ease: September 6th from 12-1:30pm EST
With love,
P.S. Ready to fully commit to your career transition? I've got your back. Learn more about The Purpose Career Lab and register to join by September 1st for a complimentary coaching session.