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Read the blog for social impact career change tips, coaching practices, and encouragement through your big life transitions.

Want to make 2024 more joyful? Ask yourself these 2 simple questions.

coaching goals how to new year Dec 30, 2023
image: person wearing converse riding a bike down a rural road with foliage either side. They are gliding with feet wide out on either side of the bike. Text is same as title of blog.

It seems like everyone has advice at the end of the year.

Much of it is contradictory. Much of it claims life-altering massive shifts. 

I smell bs. 

My ADHD brain likes to make things really incredibly complicated sometimes, and I looooooove new novel ways of doing things and deep dive workshops (which you'll read about below)...

But if that stuff doesn't work for you, or it just feels like too much, here's some good news - 

2 simple questions are the most powerful tools you can use for looking ahead in the new year.


Before I share them, I want to thank you really truly for being part of this community. Whether we've done deep work together in private coaching or group programs like The Purpose Career Lab, you've attended Community Open House Gatherings, you follow along on Linkedin, actively read these emails, or prefer to listen in quietly, I am so very grateful for you.

I take that "follow" click, "subscribe," and sign up to virtual gatherings seriously. It's no small thing to show up and the truth is, you don't have to be here. 

So thank you for sharing your insights, for making positive change in your organization, community, or in whatever ways big and small you advocate and contribute in the world. 

This world is better because you are here. 

I really really mean that. 

It's an absolute honor to be of service to you. 


Ok, I'm done being smushy at you (for now). Let's get to it!

What are the 2 most powerful questions to ask yourself going into the new year?

1. What do I like/want more of? 

2. What do I dislike/want less of? 

That's it. 

You can alternatively ask them like this:

1. What gives me energy? 

2. What drains my energy?



I answered this using mind mapping - it's super simple. 

Step 1: Write the question/topic in the middle of a page

Step 2: Draw bubbles outside the question with your answers

Here's an example:


Do this for both questions. 


Now comes to important part...

These are your GOALS! 


So for example, I've included "offering parts work in coaching" as one of my likes, so as a goal for the new year, I will turn this into "Build a coaching offering focused on parts work." 

You can do this for all of your likes and dislikes. The dislike goals may be more along the lines of "stop doing X" or "practice saying no to Y." 

One last tip - instead of going big big big with an entire year of goals, start small with turning these into just 2-3 quarterly goals for Q1, or go even smaller and focus on just one month or even one week. 

You've got this!
